
Der Die Das

Trying to learn German? Then you know learning the gender of nouns is a pain. We all have heard at least once: You should learn the gender of nouns in German by heart. So in this project I have tried to find a fun way to learn them by heart 💙

Live application: Deutch Lernen

Unicode to emoji converter

Convert unicodes to emoji by copy pasting the code point. At the end you can copy all the emojis for your use

Live application: Unicodemoji

Discover Twitter Space

For very long I wished there was a way to discover all the Twitter Spaces happening. Right now we only see it if we are following the creator or the speakers. So I built something for us!

Live application: Discover Twitter Space, Code on: Github.

Online iframe Editor

An online iframe Editor for the people who want to play around HTML iframe tag

You can find the live application online-iframe-editor and code on Github.

More coming soon..